November 17, 2009

We Almost Did It. again.

Yeah, we almost did it. Again. But we didn’t.

So, anyways, I’m talking bout the debate. Yeah the tournament IIS hosted.

Last Friday, we all got up in the morning, came to school empty handed. No cue cards. No composure. Nothing

I started preparing my speech at 7.30 a.m., continued writing in the library, on the way to the bus, in the bus and after we got down from the bus =/

So, yeah a picture to make it a bit less boring (:

PIC-0183The view from the IIS bus (:

Then, our first opponent was Tenby, and all the while we thought it was MC. Well, nah, our junior team debated against MC.

So, heck yeah I continued writing my speech until my turn actually came =/. The motion was “Democracy has failed” and we were opposing. Half were on cue cards, half were on paper. But what the heck, I just did my best (:, and oh yeah


Unexpected, I know :)


And here we ARE (:



Well, though it was a pity our junior team lost against MC, they still put up a show. Young, fresh Form 2 kids against Form 3s. Better luck next year guys (:

We were drawn against Anderson in the second round, half an hour before the debate.

Well yeah, you expected it.

We prepared our speech. Half an hour before the thang. =/

And WE WON :D. Haha. Unexpected again. The motion was “The World Would Be a Better Place if There Were Fewer People”, we proposed.

So, the best speaker for both debates was our own NOEL ANTHONY MANO.

PIC-0193 HAHA. :)

Anyway the finals was to be Main Convent vs Us. Because ACS couldn’t take them out in the semis. Pfft.

Well, we lost. Yeah we did. But we lost GOOD. :)

The motion was “The World Should Be A Borderless One”, us to oppose.

DSC01010Guess Who? :)

The opening line for my reply speech was “This is the moment, This Is It” and indeed it was. We put in our best, but we could be wayy better. Well, better luck next year.

And we were AWESOME. Unprepared, rugged and last minute. And my cue cards were made out of a CAKE BOX.

Image0222Please keep the cream cake refrigerated at all times :)

So, yeah, anyway

  • Doing everything at the last minute
  • Oversleeping
  • Arriving late to the debate venue
  • Preparing my speech half an hour before the real thing
  • Playing FIFA with Jevinder a day before the debate




Fuzzy. Kenny. Yugaraj. Noel.

It’s been great being in the same team as you guys


And on a side note,

CONGRATULATIONS to thomasliewsimyoong for winning the


scholarship thingy.

IMg0177 You rock bro. Keep it up :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...